The Art of Wool | Manufacturing Process

Jan 18, 2020


Welcome to Reflections of Asia, your premier destination for high-quality wool products. In this page, we unveil the captivating journey of wool from its natural source to the creation of exquisite textiles. Our meticulous manufacturing process guarantees unparalleled craftsmanship and ensures that our creations stand out in the realm of eCommerce & Shopping - Textil.

1. Sheep Shearing

Our manufacturing process commences with the delicate and expert craft of sheep shearing. Skilled artisans endeavor to carefully remove the valuable fleece from our ethically sourced sheep, prioritizing their comfort and well-being.

2. Sorting and Cleaning

Once the fleece has been sheared, it undergoes a meticulous sorting process. Our craftsmen examine each batch of wool, skillfully separating it based on various factors such as color, type, and quality. Subsequently, the wool is thoroughly cleaned to eliminate impurities and dirt. By employing advanced techniques, we ensure that the wool retains its natural beauty and softness.

3. Carding and Combing

Carding and combing are essential steps in achieving the desired texture and quality of the wool. Through gentle carding, the fibers are aligned, removing any tangles or inconsistencies. Combing, a more intricate process, further refines the wool, resulting in a smoother and more refined texture.

4. Spinning

As the wool reaches its optimal texture, our skilled artisans spin it into delicate threads. This process requires utmost precision and expertise to maintain consistent thickness and create yarns of unparalleled quality.

5. Dyeing

To infuse our wool textiles with captivating hues, we utilize a meticulous dyeing process. Our artisans carefully select premium dyes and employ various techniques to achieve an extensive spectrum of vibrant colors. The dyeing process not only enhances the visual appeal but also ensures long-lasting color retention.

6. Weaving and Knitting

Our expert weavers and knitters transform the dyed yarns into magnificent textiles. Employing intricate patterns and techniques, they bring each creation to life, adding intricate details and ensuring unrivaled quality.

7. Finishing

The final stage of our manufacturing process entails meticulous finishing touches. Our artisans examine each textile thoroughly, performing any necessary adjustments to achieve perfection. From trimming loose threads to refining the overall appearance, we ensure that each product meets the highest standards before it reaches our valued customers.


At Reflections of Asia, we take great pride in our wool manufacturing process, combining traditional craftsmanship with modern techniques. From the gentle shearing of our sheep to the intricate weaving and knitting, each step is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional wool textiles. Discover the artistry and unparalleled quality of our wool products and indulge in the luxury and comfort they provide. Explore our collection today and experience the passion and expertise that define Reflections of Asia.

The intricate process of transforming wool into stunning textiles truly fascinates me!
Nov 11, 2023
Ave Maria School of Law
Amazing to witness the artistry behind wool production! 🐑✂️
Nov 8, 2023