Dale of Norway at the Olympics, Chapter 1: The First Official Olympic Sweater

May 15, 2018

The Legacy of Dale of Norway

Reflections of Asia, a prominent eCommerce & Shopping - Textil business, takes pride in showcasing the world-renowned brand, Dale of Norway. In this series, we delve into the rich history of Dale of Norway's involvement with the Olympics. Join us as we explore the first official Olympic sweater and its significance in the world of Norwegian knitting.

The Birth of an Iconic Sweater

In 1956, Dale of Norway made history by becoming the official supplier of sweaters to the Norwegian Olympic team for the Winter Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy. This groundbreaking partnership marked the beginning of a long-standing tradition between Dale of Norway and the Olympics.

The Design Process

A team of talented designers, led by the visionary Peter Dale, collaborated to create the first official Olympic sweater. Inspired by traditional Norwegian patterns and infused with modern aesthetics, the sweater perfectly captured the essence of Norwegian craftsmanship.

The Olympic Spirit

The first official Olympic sweater by Dale of Norway not only represented the Norwegian team but also carried the spirit of unity and friendly competition that defines the Olympic Games. With its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, the sweater instantly became a symbol of national pride and identity.

Award-Winning Excellence

The Dale of Norway Olympic sweater quickly gained international recognition for its exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Hand-knit using the finest Norwegian wool, each sweater showcased the skills of experienced artisans who dedicated countless hours to ensure perfection.

Making a Statement

From the very first games, the Norwegian Olympic team stood out not only for their athletic prowess but also for their stylish and distinctive attire. The Dale of Norway sweater became a visual representation of the team's dedication and pride, setting a new benchmark in Olympic fashion.

A Global Phenomenon

With time, the allure of the Dale of Norway Olympic sweater transcended its role as a sports uniform. Fans and collectors worldwide sought after this iconic piece of fashion, recognizing its timeless appeal and unparalleled quality. The sweater became a cherished symbol of Norwegian heritage.

Preserving Tradition

To this day, Dale of Norway remains committed to preserving the traditional art of Norwegian knitting. Each Olympic sweater produced carries forward the legacy of the first official design, paying homage to the generations of skilled artisans who have contributed to Dale of Norway's success.

A Symbol of Excellence

The first official Olympic sweater by Dale of Norway set the stage for future Olympic collaborations and continues to inspire new designs that embody the brand's commitment to excellence. By wearing a Dale of Norway sweater, individuals can connect with the rich history and enduring spirit of the Olympics.


The first official Olympic sweater by Dale of Norway holds a special place in the world of Norwegian knitting and Olympic history. Its timeless design, exceptional craftsmanship, and representation of national pride have solidified its reputation as an enduring symbol of excellence. As Reflections of Asia, we are proud to offer the Dale of Norway Olympic sweater collection, allowing our customers to become a part of this remarkable legacy.

Stay tuned for more chapters in our Dale of Norway at the Olympics series!

Awesome sweater! 👌🇳🇴
Oct 6, 2023